eu quotes

Dr. José Lamas Valverde

Passionate about education, Dr. Lamas has 10 years experience in teaching and producing educational material. He runs his own enterprise risk management business; whose activities are preceded by ten years of conducting complex projects in Switzerland within regulated sectors like medical equipment and seismic monitoring systems of power plants. An enthusiastic supporter of innovation, he launched a business incubator that received a grant from the Swiss Ministry of Economy. Previously, he spent ten years at CERN (Geneva) and subsequently managed a physics-engineering project at Rice University (Houston) that was implemented at the BNL (NY). Additionally, he has participated in technology transfer activities between CERN and Chinese and Brazilian universities. Between years 2017-2018, Dr. Lamas jointly lead a study on organizational performances at the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE, Geneva). This project involved fifteen graduate and undergraduate students as well as UNECE staff.

Dr. José Lamas Valverde

Aptitude is like a tennis player showing precocious abilities but obstinate nature; adding to her/his determination a constant and hard work you will get a unique tennis player, perhaps a future leader.

Dr. José Lamas Valverde

Quantitative Skills and Management Lecturer
Geneva Campus


